30 May

This morning on my walk, a wonderful awareness came to me whilst I was talking to myself. Yes, I said talking to myself.

Our thoughts, reactions and words are very powerful and yet we are taught from a young age that "we aren't good enough and can always do better".

Interesting statement! How do you feel when you hear that?

School and the old fashioned process of helping our children to be the best they can be, supports the cup is "half empty" approach in my eyes. 

Back to my conversation. " Why is it that I have people leave my life and then return? It must be because I still haven't learnt the lesson." then one of those light bulb moments and a bit of a "goodness me I am so good at doing this with my clients."

"it is not because I haven't learnt the lesson its because its time for me to show what I did learn and respond with empowerment and compassion. I can show myself how far I have come and honour myself ."

I could then see this pattern in my weight challenges. I could continue to show myself that I haven't worked it out yet and I am not doing good enough or I can simply know that I have the skills now and all it takes is me being kind and nice to myself. I am good enough with more to explore.

I now will be working on how I talk to my children when they give things a go and remind them that what they have done is good enough and that next time they will have the opportunity to beat their own results.

Improvement from a cup half full.

Love to hear your thoughts!

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